01/02/2020 - 10:26
Merit reward
19 ME
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synchronization function to measure scores between Rovas and Cross-country skiing, a function that allows users to earn Chrony and earn rewards for writing articles, separate editing reports by mechanisms from messages sent by cross-country skiers to their own "edit" menu, community zone functionality - access to track database, camera pages and other content is available only for Chrony, a function that allows center administrators to turn on the rewarding of track modification reports (they can thus obtain measurements), new function: after rewarding the post no more request its reward, installation, configuration, translation of CAPTCHA and RIDDLER modules registration form - users must decide whether or not to have a ROVAS account, change the functionality of the remuneration block, so that users first see the controls to reward the author of the work and then the driver to evaluate the contribution, registration of a new GPS tracker for Skalka Arena, definition of new cameras on page Snow / cameras, installation Co ntact Reply-To module because Yahoo refused to deliver emails sent from one user to another using the contact form, writing and translating the page How to get Chrony fix a number of bugs ... A detailed list of activities can be seen at com / spreadsheets / d / 1bWbhBS_2jKKSuZmDGyCeODdEsRCElHe9Uga7mYi-NRc / edit? usp = sharing